File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1996/96-12-15.193, message 67

Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 09:55:10 -0800 (PST)
From: Ralph Dumain <>

The appearance of Gramsci as a topic in this forum reminds me of my own
severe deficiency in Gramsci-literacy.  I have several primary and
secondary works but have yet to read them.  I have read second-hand
accounts of Gramsci's notions of intellectuals, but I still remain in
the dark about the details and about the applicability of these ideas. 
Based upon my limited understanding of the meaning of the "organic
intellectual", I find the concept absolutely useless in my work. 
Moreover, I'm highly suspicious of it.  But I need to know more.  So
please indulge me and answer the following questions if you can.  Come
on folks, help supply my Vitamin G. 
1.  What are the most important primary works translated into English in
which Gramsci explains his ideas about intellectuals?  I have the
International Publishers edition of the selections from the PRISON
NOTEBOOKS.  Will this do?  Or is there more? 
2.  What are the best secondary works that give a critical analysis of
Gramsci's ideas on intellectuals? 
3.  Does Gramsci merely treat intellectuals as a relatively
undifferentiated social category, or does he go into different
disciplines and different types of intellectual work?  Is he interested
only in intellectuals with political and social ideas?  Does he cover
intellectuals in any particular fields of study?  According to Gramsci,
what would it take for a mathematician, physicist, or chemist to be

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