Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 19:15:00 -0800 Subject: M-TH: Re: Gobbledygook on Stilts "At the core of this performative left lies the idea that ÒidentityÓ is founded on an ÒimpossibilityÓ Ñ the ÒlackÓ of a reliable anchorage in the extra-discursive real Ñ which when ÒrevealedÓ subverts the ÒconceptÓ and leads to the free and equal disseminati on of ÒpleasureÓ for everyone. ÒPleasureÓ is meant to reference that ÒmomentÓ when everyday means-end rationality Ñ the conventional adequation of signifier to signified Ñ is disrupted and ÒmeaningÓ is liberated from its compulsory cultural normativity." Yeah, whatever. --- from list ---
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