Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 22:13:29 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: M-TH: Buffalo Revolutionaries Bork's official judicial philosophy is a sort of "radical democracy," although not like L&C's. He advocates, in theory, virtually unchecked majority rule through the legislature, with a very stripped down degree of constitutional review. His conception of equal rights is as close as he can safely be, without being regarded as insane, to the idea that even facially discriminatory legislation is OK if it is applied equally. Of course Bork's judicial practice was political and activist and not at all in accord with his theory. His defeat for the S.Ct is a great popular victory. --jks On Wed, 2 Apr 1997 wrote: > <<The program of radical democrats like Laclau and Mouffe, as > well as Judge Bork, is in fact to extend (Mouffe 20) such equal > rights while leaving the dominant political economy untouched and > uninterrogated. Radical democracy does the work of the ruling > class because it makes equal rights a panacea for economic > exploitation and thus legitimates the existing class structure.>> > > This is one of the few sentences in that gibberish that is even > comprehensible, and it is just plain absurd. Not only does it > misread Laclau and Mouffe, but how in Marx's name does anyone > read Bork of all people as in favor of the extension of equal > rights? I guess the combination of revolutionary Marxism and > Buffalo is just too heady for belief. > > > > --- from list --- --- from list ---
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