Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 15:26:47 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: M-TH: Buffalo Revolutionaries Ralph Dumain wrote: >>RE wacko post to which you refer: sounds like the problem is not with the conference, but with the ultraleft psychos who criticize it. The Alternative Orasnge people out of Syracuse, though I believe nominally Trotskyist, are Stalinist to the core in how they treat their subject matter and their students. Sad to say, Stalinism also has a long pedigree in Buffalo.<< Brad: And where are your "facts" to back up these allegations. As a reader of both the Alternative Orange, and the work of the Marxist professors at Syracuse (Mainly Donald Morton and Mas'ud Zavarzadeh who also edit the journal Trasformation with Teresa Ebert) I find your characterization of them as "psycho" and "Stalinst" to be completely out of line. You need to back up what seem to be personal problems with some kind of actual argument. I suggest that other list members check into the work being done by these individuals and judge for themselves. I for one find the work very effective and productive in its rigor, logic, and revolutionary content. I myself will back up this claim once you (Mr. Dumain) have supplied me with something I can actually critique. In Solidarity. Brad Rothrock --- from list ---
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