Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 20:46:52 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: M-TH: OLD MAN OF THE LEFT On Thu, 3 Apr 1997, Brian M Ganter wrote: > REVOLUTIONARY MARXIST COLLECTIVE at U of Buffalo: > > Louis Proyect, once again has reached the limits of his theoretical > literacy and as always has reacted with the violence typical of the RULE > OF IGNORANCE that he has advocated on this list. His brand of populism is > one that has haunted Marxism throughout its history. This marketing of > ignorance as "activist" politics (a repetition of a Weitlingian practice) > is engaged and critiqued by Marx addressing Weitling: "Ignorance never yet > helped anyone." Louis: Weitling was an ally of Proudhon. Mehring comments that Weitling never developed beyond the German artisan, while Proudhon beyond the French petty-bourgeoisie. They opposed scientific socialism. I just spent the past several weeks in polemics against modern day equivalents of the utopian socialists, such as Robin Hahnel of Z Magazine. Your mention of Weitling is totally superficial and meaningless unless placed in some kind of historical context. > The Revolutionary Marxist > Collective's text is simply beyond his grasp; thus his return to the > vulgarities of bourgeois polemics and intimidation. This old man of the > left in fact goes further--he privatizes critique itself by not making his > response to our critique available on the list to all--all as a means of > quietly intimidating into silence a collective of students that > has "dared" to speak out against his reformist "activist" brand > of populism. Louis: The problem with it is that it is unreadable, both typographically and content-wise. All it is is a call for a vanguard party and proletarian revolution. So what. Every sectarian in the world is for that. So you are sectarian number 1276. Hurray. > > Uphold the Marxist-Leninist tradition of class struggle in the the combat > zones of capitalism--in the streets, in philosophy and on the net. > Marxist theoretical thinking and practice lives! > Louis: Build the Interplanetary Vanguard Party! Reunite New Zealand and Australia! Fight Prostatitis! Free Brian Glick! --- from list ---
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