Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 21:18:25 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: M-TH: Buffalo Revolutionaries I don't lnow about "Stalinist," but I agree with Ralph that the RO folks are wacko. They write long, tedious articles in impenetrable, opaque prose that put off a great deal of heat but no light. Since some of the people involved are for reasons I cannot fathom comrades of mine--I cannot fathom this because I do not see what they see in my group, Solidarity, that answers to anything in whatever it is that they think they are doing--I once engaged in a colloquy with them over some articles in their predecessor paper, Alternative Orange, in which I tediously picked through several articles they published, something with respect to free speech in s socialist society, I think (it was hard to tell); they seemed to oppose it. I also criticized their style. I gather they published my response with a viterperative reply. I don;t know, since they failed to send that issue to me, despite repeated requests. Anyway, I think they're nuts because they have created a strange closed circle in which they incant to each other and to an elite who apparantly can understand what they're up to, or think they can, but which reaches no one else. --jks On Thu, 3 Apr 1997 wrote: > Ralph Dumain wrote: > > >>RE wacko post to which you refer: sounds like the problem is not with the > conference, but with the ultraleft psychos who criticize it. The > Alternative Orasnge people out of Syracuse, though I believe nominally > Trotskyist, are Stalinist to the core in how they treat their subject matter > and their students. Sad to say, Stalinism also has a long pedigree in > Buffalo.<< > > Brad: And where are your "facts" to back up these allegations. As a reader > of both the Alternative Orange, and the work of the Marxist professors at > Syracuse (Mainly Donald Morton and Mas'ud Zavarzadeh who also edit the > journal Trasformation with Teresa Ebert) I find your characterization of them > as "psycho" and "Stalinst" to be completely out of line. You need to back up > what seem to be personal problems with some kind of actual argument. I > suggest that other list members check into the work being done by these > individuals and judge for themselves. I for one find the work very effective > and productive in its rigor, logic, and revolutionary content. I myself will > back up this claim once you (Mr. Dumain) have supplied me with something I > can actually critique. > > In Solidarity. > Brad Rothrock > > > > --- from list --- --- from list ---
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