File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/97-04-04.105, message 113

Date: Thu, 3 Apr 1997 22:19:18 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: M-TH: Grammatical Clique/Bourgeois Populism

While in other contexts I might not be found in the same clique as Henwood
and Proyect, in this one I applaud the eloquence of both in shredding these
posturing academic agent provacateurs of the Masturbatory Barks-ist
Cultvective.  Under most circumstances I would be proud to find myself in
the company of E.P. Thompson, Ellen Wood, or Alan Sokal.  Thanks RMC for
showing your true colors so quickly.  Long live pomo stalinism!  Closely
follow the immortal words of Comrade Zavarzadeh!  It's been years since I
enjoyed the delights of the Buffalo Larouchites, PLP-ers, CP-ers, Maoists,
Albanioids, and Buffalo's own Workers-Worlders.  I look forward to looking
up the RWC on my next visit to the motherland.

At 10:59 PM 4/3/97 -0500, Brian M Ganter wrote:
>I can't stop farting!

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