Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1997 07:53:56 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re: M-TH: Poor Quality on Spoon Carlile himself is among those responsible for poor quality of discussion. Hee can improve things immediately by unsubscribing, or betterr yet, lumbering off to the hasbeen-leftists graveyard. As for openness, after vehement insistence on openness to all crackpots, somebody surreptititously unsubscibed me from marxism-and-sciences. NO matter, good riddance to those vermin. Cyberspace has the capacity for providing enough slots for everybody, since the proliferation of mailing lists has no natural bounds. But freedom of association also means that I should be able to select my company and exclude others from it. All these reorganizations of thee spoons marxoid lists have failed to solve this problem. The sane lists become inactive, and the maniac lists remain vigorous. I'm not goig to harp onthis anymore in thaaxis, but I seriously question the intelligencee and ethics of many of the people involved in this enterprise. Thanks CArliile for your observations, you hypocriticial mediocrity. Now why don't you and your fellow leftie and ex-leftie misfits die off? --- from list ---
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