File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/97-04-04.105, message 14

Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1997 09:39:47 -0800
Subject: Re: M-TH: Poor Quality on Spoon

On Sat, 22 Feb 1997, Ralph Dumain <> wrote:
>bounds.  But freedom of association also means that I should be
>able to select my company and exclude others from it.  

I agree with this defense of freedom of association and am glad that Marxists 
are coming around to a defense of the free market.  Of course it is true that I 
should be free to choose which companies I apply to and the companies should be 
free to hire me or not, and we should be free to choose the terms of our 
association.  SImilarly, in the market I should be free to produce and consume 
without arbitrary restrictions on the terms of exchange.  Thanks for this 

>  Thanks CArliile
>for your observations, you hypocriticial mediocrity.  Now why don't
>you and your fellow leftie and ex-leftie misfits die off?

Hmm.  I suspect that we will all die off eventually.  Is the poster suggesting 
here that particular individuals should hurry up the process in their own cases? 
 I.e., is he advising suicide for those whom he dislikes?  This kind of 
suggestion seems counterproductive, as well as perhaps a bit venomous.  My 
feeling is that perhaps a more open and rational dialogue would be encouraged if 
other participants in the dialogue were not invited to kill themselves.  Am I 
misreading what is being said here?  

David M. Brown

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