Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 19:15:23 -0800 (PST) Subject: Re: M-TH: Marx's monkey writer On Sun, 23 Feb 1997 wrote: > I am working on an essay on evolution and am trying to find a quote > attributed to Marx or Engels in which they state that even a monkey could > write a book if given enough time in front of a typewriter, or something > similar to this. This does not come from either Marx or Engels. The source is, I believe, Thomas Huxley (a contemporary), in his debate with Bishop Wilberforce. (I may have the bishop's name wrong). They were debating evolution. Huxley used as an illustration the imaginary bunch of monkeys at a typewriter, pounding away -- give them enough time, and they will type out the complete works of Shakespeare. Hope this is helpful. I do not know if there is a particularly good biography of Huxley, but with a trip to the library you should be able to nail down a citation. Again, not Marx's or Engel's doing, though on evolution they were of course on the same side as Huxley. Scott McLemee --- from list ---
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