File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/97-04-04.105, message 20

Date: Sun, 23 Feb 1997 19:15:17 -0800
Subject: M-TH: marxism....and nietzsche?

I am brand new to "the collective" and the web. Is there a particular topic under discussion within this group? I personally became attracted to the ideas of Marx because they seemed to represent the only down-to-earth active concern with the genesis and historical development of man's exploitation of man, as particularly revealed in his analysis of capitalism with the theories of surplus value and alienation. At its core, I suppose I'm moved mostly by the ethics of Marx.
I am not a scholar nor an "expert" in any particular field.
   But I have found that what reading I have done can usually be put into simple and understandable English without a loss of meaning. I think what I most appreciate when reading some of the archive materials, is when someone writes: "For example:..." I realize cognitive shorcuts and jargon are useful when not wanting to type extra words...but with todays word processors...Sometimes it even seems as though there is hidden satisfaction among writers who delight in sharing abstruse knowledge amongst themselves while it remains inexsessable to others.
     To the point: Would anyone care to discuss the relevance of evolutionary psychology to Marxism (or Nietzsche, who suddenly seems to command a lot of space here). 

A few comments.
      It would seem by now the the dialectic has almost become completely self-evident as a descriptive tool. Just look at evolution. Yet some of the writers seem to wish to raise it to some causative principle,-the Big Bang (Action),Gravety (reaction), Stars and Planets(synthesis).
     It might be useful to distinguish conscience ("bad" or otherwise) from empathy and the ability to identify with another's emotional state. It is this, as well as other and other (instincts?) such as acquisitiveness that motivate human behavior. I hope that "rising above" conscience (super-ego) as an act of freedom from  repression does not result the sociopathic personality. I've had enough of certain salesmen let alone the Mansons. (Sorry, that's unfair).

     So far I remain a socialist.    Bill  

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