Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 11:46:06 -0500 Subject: Re: M-TH: Marx's monkey writer At 7:04 AM -0800 2/24/97, Scott McLemee wrote: >> Not only is this idiotic at face value, but there is a certain >> anti-intellectual insinuation, i.e. anyone, including monkeys, can perform >> intellectual (or religious or political) work. > >Not at all. The argument has nothing to do with Shakespeare, or monkeys >for that matter. Whatever else they may be, Hamlet or the Magna Carta >are strings of letters; their sequence *could* be generated at random, >given enough time and energy. Perhaps we could devise a measure - Huxley monkey-units (HMUs) - that would stand for the number of years it would take for the proverbial roomful of monkeys to type a given text - sort of like the readability indexes Microsoft Word helpfully computes. The Grundrisse would probably be several billion HMUs. Hamlet, a much shorter text, would probably earn only several hundred million HMUs. Your average Jerry Levy post, I suspect, would garner an HMU count in the low two figures. Doug -- Doug Henwood Left Business Observer 250 W 85 St New York NY 10024-3217 USA +1-212-874-4020 voice +1-212-874-3137 fax email: <> web: <> --- from list ---
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