Date: Sun, 2 Mar 1997 12:46:09 -0500 (EST) Subject: M-TH: Schwartz - "What's Wrong with Exploitation?" Online Justin Schwartz's paper, "What's Wrong with Exploitation?," has been placed online in HTML at: It is also indexed at: Here is the abstract of the paper, which appears in final form in Nous 29: pp. 158-188. The form that is online is a manuscript, and therefore not the same as the article printed in Nous: ABSTRACT It is widely thought that the Marxist objection to the exploitation of producers is that in expropriating the surplus, dominant groups take something to which producers are entitled because they produced it. I argue, first, that this is a misreading of Marx. His objection is not that exploitation is unjust, but that it denies the producers' freedoms. Second, whether or not exploitation is unjust, unfreedom is a logically independent and prior objection to exploitation; the objection from property entitlements presupposes force. Third, I distinguish three ways that exploitation involves different unfreedoms and argue that class societies are exploitative in the specified sense. Finally, I address the objection that Marx's critique of capitalism in particular depends on an indefensible labor theory of value. If there are any problems, let me know. I was a bit concerned that I made the writing too small; it won't make any difference to those who read through a text-based browser like Lynx but the text might look small through Netscape or Internet Explorer. To fix the problem, make your font size larger. Also, I'll be putting more papers of Schwartz's online soon, so that those who have engaged him in discussion can have a base of published arguments to take issue with, or accept. Kevin Cabral Columbus, Ohio --- from list ---
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