Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 00:17:59 +0200 (EET) Subject: M-TH: Forwarded ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 13:49:02 +0000 (GMT) From: Sean Sayers <> To: Subject: Radical Philosophy 82 out now Reply-To: Sean Sayers <> [Spoon-Announcements is a moderated list for distributing info of wide enough interest without bombarding people with cross-postings.] R a d i c a l P h i l o s o p h y 82 (March/April 1997) a journal of socialist and feminist philosophy CONTENTS SYMPOSIUM Thomas Kuhn, 1922-1996 Ted Benton, Steve Fuller and Helen E. Longino 2 ARTICLES The Rhythm of Alterity: levinas and aesthetics Gary Peters 9 Analytical marxism - an ex-paradigm? The odyssey of G.A. Cohen Marcus Roberts 17 INTERVIEW Democracy Means Equality Jacques Ranciere interviewed by Passages 29 REVIEWS Ronald Aronson, After Marxism Cyril Smith, Marx at the Millennium Jules Townsend, The Politics of Marxism Antonio Callari, Stephen Cullenberg and Carole Biewener, eds, Marxism in the Postmodern Age Suke Wolton, ed., Marxism, Mysticism and Modern Theory Terry Eagleton 37 Fred Inglis, Raymond Williams Graham Dawson 40 Michael A. Sells, The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia Paul Hockenos 43 Bill Marshall, Guy Hocquenghem David Macey 45 Daniel Burston, The Wing of Madness: The Life and Work of R.D. Laing Janet Sayers 46 Moira Gatens, Imaginary Bodies: Ethics, Power and Corporeality Rosalyn Diprose 48 Mervyn Frost, Ethics in International Relations Chris Brown 49 Alison Assiter, Enlightened Women Susan Mendus 50 Eric Alliez, Capital Times: Tales from the Conquest of Time Brian Dillon 51 OBITUARY Raphael Samuel, 1934-1996 Carolyn Steedman 53 LETTER Jason Gaiger 56 ************************************************************************ CONTRIBUTORS TED BENTON teaches sociology at the University of Essex. His books include Philosophical Foundations of the Three Sociologies (1977) and The Rise and Fall of Structural Marxism (1984). STEVE FULLER teaches in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy at the University of Durham. HELEN E. LONGINO is the editor, with Evelyn Fox Keller, of Feminism and Science (Oxford University Press, 1996). GARY PETERS teaches aesthetics at the University of the West of England. MARCUS ROBERTS teaches philosophy at the University of Essex. He is the author of Analytical Marxism - A Critique (Verso, 1996). JACQUES RANCIERE is Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Paris-VII, Jussieu. His books include On the Shores of Politics (Verso, 1994) and The Names of History (Minnesota University Press, 1994). ************************************************************************ SUBSCRIPTION RATES (L = pounds sterling) Individual Subscribers 6 issues - UK: L18 Europe: L22 ROW surface: L24/$39 ROW airmail: L30/$51 12 issues - UK: L32 Europe: L40 ROW surface: L44/$72 ROW airmail: L56/$95 Libraries and Institutions 6 issues - UK: L39 Europe L43 ROW surface: L45/$74 ROW airmail: L51/$83 Single copies Subscribers L3.25/$7 per copy Non-subscribers L3.75/$8 Institutions L9/$15 (10% discount for orders of 10 or more) Bound back sets (1-60) in four handsome burgundy hard cover volumes including indexes: L395 / $595 plus p&p (surface) UK: L10 ROW: L20/$30 Radical Philosophy INDEX (1-60) Subscribers L4.95/$10 Non-Subscribers L7.50/$12 Institutions L12.00 / $20 All prices include postage. Cheques should be made payable to Radical Philosophy Ltd. We accept Visa, Access/Mastercard & Eurocard. When ordering please state your card no. and expiry date. Contact: Central Books (RP Subscriptions) 99 Wallis Road, London E9 5LN Tel: 0181 986 4854 E-mail: Visit our web site at: ************************************************************************* Sean Sayers, Darwin College, The University, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NY, UK Tel: (01227) 764000 Fax: (01227) 827848 E-mail: ************************************************************************* --- from list ---
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