Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 10:44:44 -0500 (EST) Subject: M-TH: (Fwd) Fwd: Lost Mises Archives Found (fwd) It was once suggested that the socialist countries should erect a statue to Ludwig von Mises for having alerted them to the calculation problem. Here comes this bit of news... it was actually written up by Hans-Hermann Hoppe in a recent WALL STREET JOURNAL article... -Chris ==========================================Chris Matthew Sciabarra, Ph.D Visiting Scholar New York University Department of Politics Email: Website: ========================================== ================================================ From: "Scott A. Kjar" <70402.3124-AT-CompuServe.COM Researchers in the archives of the Soviet Union have discovered a huge cache of materials on Ludwig von Mises. In the 30s, after Mises had already moved to Switzerland, he still maintained his apartment in Vienna. He had books, notes, and correspondence there, since he anticipated being able to move back eventually, after the fall of the Nazis. One day, the Nazis went to his apartment, and confiscated everything. They took his personal letters, his drafts of articles and books not yet published, his jotted ideas, lecture notes, minutes from meetings he had attended, everything. After the end of WW II, this material fell into Soviet hands, where it was carefully logged and archived. The Soviets apparently even added additional information, acquired >from spies and informants they had in place in Vienna for many years. Thus, this cache apparently even includes transcriptions of lectures he gave as a professor, or lectures to local businessmen, and even conversations he had with high-ranking political officials of Austria. This material, recently uncovered, is primarily in German, and some perhaps in Russian. Thus, it will require translation before it is accessible to us. In the meantime, the Mises Institute has commissioned Guido Hulsmann, a young Misesian scholar in Germany, to review the material, and to finally write the definitive biography of Mises, a task never before undertaken. With access to this huge bank of information, Hulsmann will be able to provide insights into Mises's daily life, including even glimpses into his personal life, through love letters to his wife, correspondence with friends, and other such personal mementos. It is expected to take 2 years to fully research this material. Fortunately, Hulsmann speaks and writes German, French, and English, as well as some Russian, so he will be creating a document that, once completed, will be immediately accessible to people all over the world. The Mises Institute is currently raising funds for this effort. It is expected that Hulsmann will be flying between Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Russia, and New York to complete this project, and will likely be providing "gifts" to Russian archival clerks in order to assure timely and thorough access to the material. For further information about this awesome project, write to The Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn University, Auburn AL 36830. --- from list ---
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