File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/97-04-04.105, message 47

Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 08:03:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: M-TH: fellow zubhatovists

Tom Condit wrote:

> "Known Zubatovists, agent provocateurs, and professional denigrators of the
> proletariat, communism, and socialist and democratic revolution need not
> apply. All genuinely progressive people need not fear discrimination on
> account of any genuine discrepancies."
> How does that Latin phrase go, "Quis cusdodiet custodien?" Something like
> that anyway.
> Accept no doctrines without this seal of genuineness!

Translation: all those who have been known to make "derogatory remarks"
about Stalin and Stalinism, Mao and Maoism. and A.O. and Pol Pot/Gonzolo
Thought need not apply (or will be labeled as "counter-revolutionaries",
"agent-provocateurs", "social fascists", representatives of the
"imperialist bourgeoisie", etc. -- and then subject to death threats).

Tom and m-th -- you have missed so much on m-int! There have been more
plot twists in the last few weeks than one can observe in a year's worth
of episodes of "General Hospital" or "One Life to Live."

Perhaps this new development should be categorized as ... what goes
around, comes around (I told you so). I.e. the degeneration of the old
marxism list, its transformation into the home of the undead, and the
birth of marxism-in-exile (m2) were largely linked to the takeover of
the m1 list by these same people. Last time, when the moderators refused
to act, the revolutionaries-with-principles departed and formed m2. This
time, when the moderators suspended two of the Stalin Society crowd and
refused to expel the "agent provocateurs" (I wonder who they included in
that group?), they left. Marxism in cyberspace comes full circle. M-int
has arisen from the ashes of the undead and lives again! It's safe for
(most of) you to come back now.

btw, Proyect and his clique entered into a bloc of the undead
with the representatives of the Stalin Society and have now become, IMHO,
politically isolated and exposed. Also, btw, Proyect denounced CofC
and even urged m-inters to consider joining the CPUSA! One wonders where
his drift to the Right will end ....


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