File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/97-04-04.105, message 49

Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 14:47:18 +0000
Subject: M-TH: Dead Zubatovists walking

Chamberpot Levy said:

>It's safe for
> (most of) you to come back now.

He's absolutely right, of course. It's quite safe for you now. Come
along chaps, don't be afraid. Ataman Zubatov and the ghosts of other
gold-toothed Don cossacks offers you greetings. 
We won't hurt you. Come and play with us.We shall talk about Levy's
blackmailinging tactics, Levy's shit-stirring, Levy's transmitting to
the list of salaciaous, pornographic and unconscionably-insulting
tittle-tattle about list moderators, Levy's vile red-baiting
anticommunism, Levy's masturbatory posing as an anarchist squatter, and
many other home truths which he is sure to be insulted by.

One thing that is for sure is that Levy from now on will get more than
he gives in the insult department, and Levy, who is about as appetising
as yesterday's rice krispies, will together with his other diarrhoeic
friends, get wiped the floor with, theoretically speaking.

We are back. Not that we were ever away. And we shall mercilessly punish
Levy and other red-baiting jailbait agent-provocateur dickheads like

So yes, Conduit. Welcome. We are waiting for you.
Mark Jones

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