File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/97-04-04.105, message 51

Date: Sat, 15 Mar 1997 13:12:02 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: M-TH: Dead Zubatovists walking

Tom and others: see what we've been having to put up with on m-int? That's
not even the worst of it. Mark Jones sent me an off-list death threat a
couple of days ago. I suppose that's better (or is it?) than when A.O.,
another moderator of leninlist, issued a on-list death threat against me. 

While some were being called "counter-revolutionaries" and "agent
provocateurs", others grouped around Proyect, called for us to treat
Stalinists like Mark Jones in a "comradely" way.

I'll send another post that has excerpts of m-int posts sent by Mark Jones
today that are homophobic, sexist, and racist.


On Sat, 15 Mar 1997, Mark Jones wrote:

> Chamberpot Levy said:
> >It's safe for
> > (most of) you to come back now.
> > 
> He's absolutely right, of course. It's quite safe for you now. Come
> along chaps, don't be afraid. Ataman Zubatov and the ghosts of other
> gold-toothed Don cossacks offers you greetings. 
> We won't hurt you. Come and play with us.We shall talk about Levy's
> blackmailinging tactics, Levy's shit-stirring, Levy's transmitting to
> the list of salaciaous, pornographic and unconscionably-insulting
> tittle-tattle about list moderators, Levy's vile red-baiting
> anticommunism, Levy's masturbatory posing as an anarchist squatter, and
> many other home truths which he is sure to be insulted by.
> One thing that is for sure is that Levy from now on will get more than
> he gives in the insult department, and Levy, who is about as appetising
> as yesterday's rice krispies, will together with his other diarrhoeic
> friends, get wiped the floor with, theoretically speaking.
> We are back. Not that we were ever away. And we shall mercilessly punish
> Levy and other red-baiting jailbait agent-provocateur dickheads like
> him.
> So yes, Conduit. Welcome. We are waiting for you.
> Regards,
> Mark Jones
> website:
> email:
>      --- from list ---

     --- from list ---


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