Date: Sun, 16 Mar 1997 22:31:00 +0000 Subject: M-TH: Lenin and the rate of profit A KARL CARLILE MESSAGE: Lenin in his booklet, Imperialism, The Highest Stage Of Capitalism argues that in the developed economies capitalism has become "over-ripe" and that consequently capital cannot find a field for profitable investment. In response to this Lenin makes the claim that for the purpose of increasing profits these imperialist countries export capital to the"backward countries". He comments that in "these backward countries profits are usually high. He continues: The export of capital is made possible by a number of backward countries having been already drawn into world capitalist intercourse: main railways have already been built in those countries, elementary conditions for industrial development have already been created, etc. Now Lenin proclaims: The need to export capital arises from the fact that a few countries (what are often called the imperialist countries) capitalism has become "over-ripe" and cannot find a field for profitable investment. (Bracketed comments are mine). If the above passage is valid then it follows that tropical Africa must in large part form a destination for the export of capital. Yet this has not been the case. If anything the rate of export of capital to this region has been contracting rather than expanding so much so that this region of the world containing millions of people has been largely marginalised by the developed economies in terms of economic development. Furthermore most capital exports from individual imperialist economies have been to other imperialist economies. This means that capital exports are concentrated predmominantly within the so called core economies. Now if, as Lenin claimed, capital is over-ripe in these core economies then it should follow that the biggest percentage of the export of their capital should be going to the so-called third world especially to regions such as sub-Saharan Africa. The only valid conclusion that can be drawn is that Lenin was patently wrong and that all copies of his booklet Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism ought to be consigned by all god fearing socialist revolutionaries to recycling containers. Yours etc., Karl --- from list ---
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