Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 16:33:33 -0800 (PST) Subject: M-TH: Re: M-I: fellow zubatovists! Sid -- In fact I did not know what "Zubatovist" meant; the very obscurity of the denunciation made it seem laughable enough, and I just assumed it was another ideological deviation. As for my article, as it indicated, I looked at evidence on both sides of the Mumia case and concluded that, Phillie cops being racist shits though they are, it was not unreasonable to conclude Mumia did, in fact, shoot the cop he found beating Mumia's brother over the head with a flashlight. That article also noted that the original trial was grossly unfair to Mumia, and stated my belief that he should have a new trial. Since publishing that article, I have learned that Adolph Reed expressed similar misgivings about the quasi-religion of Mumia-ism. A lot of folks on the left had such misgivings. But many progressives operate on the principle of "better activism through self-hypnosis." I don't. At the risk of upsetting the Church of the Precious Radical Martyr, I put my doubts in ink, and have had to put up with morons who accuse me of ... Zubatovism, or whatever. That's okay. Mumia is a fine writer, the cops in Philadelphia are pigs, and it is really too bad he shot one of them in a fit of anger. The real world is sufficiently complex to make all three statements -- and still, upon examining the record, to agree that the man deserves a new trial. If some people need require a simplistic morality tale to function politically, that is all the more reason a gadfly like me is necessary, from time to time. -- cheers, Scott --- from list ---
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