Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 11:54:43 -0500 (EST) Subject: M-TH: Electronic Journal of Radical Organization Theory ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Matt Davies <> ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- From: The Electronic Journal of Radical Organisation Theory (EJROT), a Web-based scholarly journal, is soliciting book reviews for future editions of the journal. Appropriate books for review might examine organizations, work, labor, management, and environmental issues using a variety of non-traditional approaches, including, for example, critical theory, postmodernism, feminism and race and class analysis. EJROT would also welcome reviews from a critical perspective of well-known conventional books on management and organization theory. We hope to maintain an open forum for the discussion of radical organisation theory. We encourage reviews of recent books (1995 on), though reviews of older "classics" will also be considered. Where appropriate, we will also accept reviews of video, film, and World Wide Web sites. Writing style should be accessible but appropriate for a high-calibre academic journal with a theoretical orientation. There is no fixed length for book reviews, but 1500-2500 words is a broad guideline. APA format should be used. For more information, please contact: David L. Levy EJROT Reviews Editor University of Massachusetts, Boston 100 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, MA 02125, USA e-mail: Fax: 617-287-7725 EJROT is on the web at: The books listed below would be good candidates for a review in EJROT, but suggestions on other books are welcome. Generally, the EJROT Reviews Editor will be able to send you a copy of the book if you are willing to write a review. SAGE Gareth Morgan, "Images of Organization", 1996 (Second edition) - the new edition provides a useful opportunity to review the classic. David Grant and Cliff Oswick (eds.) "Metaphor and Organizations", 1996 Pushkala Prasad, Albert Mills, Micheal Elmes, and Anshuman Prasad (eds.), "Managing the Organizational Melting Pot", 1997. - not the usual managing diversity stuff. Contributors employ critical theory, feminism, postmodernism, institutional theory, etc. Stewart Clegg and Gill Palmer, (eds.) "The Politics of Management Knowledge", 1996. - politics of managerial discourse. Maurice Punch, "Dirty Business: Exploring Corporate Misconduct", 1996. - sociological analysis of corporate "deviance", includes case studies from Europe. Gibson Burrell, "Pandemonium: Towards a Retro-Organization Theory", 1996 - subversive, humorous discursive analysis W. Richard Scott, "Institutions and Organizations: Theory and Research", 1995 Cliff Cheng, ed., "Masculinities in Organizations", 1996 David Collinson and Jeff Hearn, eds., "Men as Managers, Managers as Men", 1996 Mats Alvesson and Hugh Willmott, "Making Sense of Management", 1996 P. B. Beaumont, "The Future of Employment Relations", 1995 JOSSEY-BASS Edwin C. Nevis and Helen G. Vassallo, 1996, "Intentional Revolutions" - this book claims to show you how to change the way people define their reality, to overcome their resistance to organizational change. Resistance is multiple realities, and how to minimize resistance.... SUNY Press Sharryn Kasmir (1996) "The Myth of Mondragon: Cooperatives, Politics, and Working-Class Life in a Basque Town" - argues that Mondragon is frequently idealized in way that ignores experiences of shop floor workers. Walter de Gruyter Mats Alvesson, "Communication, Power and Organization", 1996 - Power and communication in an organization examined using Foucault and Habermas Robert Chia, "Organizational Analysis as Deconstructive Practice", 1996 - postmodernism applied to organizational theory Gill Palmer and Stewart Clegg, Editors, "Constituting Management", 1996 - chapters on identity, meaning of work, gender, postmodernism, role of markets etc. --- from list ---
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