Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 23:47:21 +1100 (EST) Subject: M-TH: Architecture and Politics Tim Limin wrote: And the question is what do Marxists do about skyscrapers? Are skyscrapers a celebration of capitalist achievement? Would celebrating beautiful architecture mean consuming capitalist ideology? What do Marxists do about skyscrapers. They dream of occupying them. Wouldn't it depend on what you mean by "Skyscrapers". Is living in a twenty storey apartment building in downtown urban wasteland a "celebration" of capitalism? If we could agree on "beautiful architecture" then we might feel more ambivalent about its relation to the structure of power. Benjamin's famous line that every act of culture is also an act of barbarism is to the point. There is this really good section in Raymond Williams's "Politics and Letters" where he talks about the uncertain feelings he has when looking at a gothic cathedral, to be at once in awe of the engineering and architectural achievement and the sense it gives of what humans can do, and yet to feel the real weight of that achievement as itself a symbol of power and authority, exclusion and control. Thanks for the title of Tafuri's book --- from list ---
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