File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/97-04-04.105, message 80

Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 20:57:49 +0000
Subject: M-TH: Re: M-G: Re: M-I: Lenin and the rate of profit

KLO:     You say "this has not been the case."  Are you serious?  Money has 
been flowing into the most exploited capitalist nations at an ever 
increasing rate.

KARL: No my dear you are wrong. Capital exports to sub-Saharan Africa 
have diminished to a feeble trickle so much so that many radical 
commentators are claiming that this area of the world containing 
millions of people has been marginalised. And by the dearie we are 
talking about capital not money. You seem to misunderstand the 

For me a dearie that is such an expert in Lenin I am rather surprised 
that you cannot locate my quotation from such a slim volume

I doubt if I shall be replying to you again since I dont see anythin
(correct this misspelling too dear) positive to be gained either
theoretically or politically from responding to your contributions.
Indeed it was my mammy who encouraged me to make this present
response. However if your next response, assuming there is one,
proves to have a little more weight I might reconsider my position.
Anyway dearie I am off to tea and cake with my aunt and my granny.
Bye luv............... 
                             Karl with lots of kisses

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