Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 10:28:48 +1100 (EST) Subject: M-TH: Architecture and Hunger wrote: But if one is oppressed by the sheer fact of buildings being built by anyone aside from a dull government bureaucrat, psychotherapy might be in order. Let's be a little less existentially "oppressed" by the means of human survival and by any sight whatever of prosperity and well-being. Well lets just forsake critical practice in total, lets be middle class liberals, lets slip the shades on and be happy. David seems puzzled as to how a building can be oppressive "regardless of whether the owner and his partners actually go around oppressing anybody". Don't you find prisons both symbolically and aesthetically oppressive. Bentham's Panoptica is a design for oppression yet he himself may not have been guilty of "oppressing anybody". A Calcutta slum oppresses in its own right and does not necessarily require the indictment of its owner and designer. The Manhatten high-rise apartment symbolises, celebrates and naturalises inequity as well as "prosperity". It is a text that is both utopic and ideologically functional. --- from list ---
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