File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/97-04-04.105, message 88

Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 20:21:46 EET+200
Subject: M-TH: Denk-Prozesse nach Althusser?

Someone mentioned (on old m-list) book "Denk-Prozesse nach 
Althusser". I tried to get it but failed then. One month ago it 
finally came here. Funny though, it's copyrighted 1994. For those of 
you who are interested in it, here's bibliographic info: 

Henning Boeke & Jens Christian Mueller & Sebastian Reinfeldt (Hg.), 
"Denk-Prozesse nach Althusser". Argument Sonderband, Heue Folge, 
Bd. 228. Hamburg: Argument Verlag 1994. 

The editors note in Introduction that Althusser is again under 
discussion. I got a headache when I tried to continue the 
Introduction. Instead, some of the 'contributions' seems to be 
interesting enough to read. Here's a short description of what there 
is in "Denk-Prozesse": 

Yves Sintomer writes about Althusser and marxism in seventies; 
Etienne Balibar about structural causality, over-determination and 
antagonism; Maria Turchetto's subjects are philosophy, science and 
ideology in Althusser's writings; H. Boeke analyses rationality and 
critique; Alex Demirovic totality and immanence. Then Derrida 
discusses with Michael Sprinker. After that, Juergen Link considers 
"noch einmal" over-determination, and Jens Christian Mueller-Tuckfeld 
under the title "Law is law" juridicial call. Then Margit Leuthold 
and Sebastian Reinfeld are 'reading writing' ("Die Schrift lesen")... 
Finally, Dominique Lecourt considers a new beginning of marxism after 
dead-end ("Abschied von Lacan. Fuer einen marxistischen Neubeginn 
jenseits der Sackgasse") and Rastko Mocnik goes through efforts of 
the few last decades to articulate Althusser's concept of ideological 
call ("Das 'Subjekt, dem unterstellt wird zu glauben' und die Nation 
als eine Null-Institution"). Half of the articles or essays are 
particularly written for this anthology. Have fun! 

Jukka L

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