Date: Tue, 25 Mar 1997 13:50:15 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: M-TH: Althusser? Jukka: You might also be interested in reading Antonio Callari and David F. Ruccio ed. _Postmodern materialism and the future of Marxist theory: essays in the Althusserian tradition_, Wesleyan university Press, 1996. A disproportionate number of authors come from a "Amherst" perspective (e.g. Callari, Ruccio, Cullenberg, Wolff, Resnick, Gibson-Graham, Diskin, McIntyre, etc) -- a distinct variation of Althusserianism. There are also interesting essays by Antonio Negri (on Althusser), Etienne Balibar (overdetermination, etc.), Emmanuel Terray (Althusser and Machiavelli [!]), and Alain Lipietz ("Political Ecology and the Workers' Movement: Similarities and Differences"). The book is divided as follows: Introductory essay by editors I. The role of the subject: the individual and the masses II. Totality, causality, and explanation III. Class analysis and political economy IV. Politics: class and beyond V. Louis Althusser [a single essay by Gregory Elliot]. Jerry --- from list ---
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