Date: Sat, 29 Mar 1997 13:05:20 GMT Subject: M-TH: Re: Forwarded from Leninlist I do not understand Mark's in forwarding this post (presumably by him or someone with whom he sympathises) to thaxis. If he really means the following: >> The plain, simple and unarguable fact is that Stalin defended socialism He made mistakes and committed crimes in the process. << then there would be the possibility of some dialogue of a non- defensive nature with some people, but not necessarily on this list. Particularly if he means by the word "crimes" that there were indeed grave problems of socialist legality then that is the start of saying what they were, how they should be avoided, and to recognise the positive achievements of building socialism without confusing either important issue. But if the comments made about the hopelessness of the debate on marxism-international represent his position, then it is likely they apply to thaxis as well. One other point seems to be central to his incorrect positon: >> bourgeois human rights and freedoms and parliamentary politics are a hypocritical charade.<< There is a lot of hypocrisy associated with capitalism undoubtedly, and I personally agree the two party system is in many ways a surface charade, but to dismiss bourgeois rights as purely (?) a hypocritical charade is neither a marxist nor a leninist position. In particular in some ways it is especially not a leninist position, who developed a detailed analysis of the part played by the struggle for democratic rights both in the struggle for national liberation and the struggle for socialism. But if discussing bourgeois rights is conciliating with the charade of the bourgeoisie then that severely restricts the possibility of debate. Which is what the forwarded post seems to say. I do not understand why it was forwarded to this list. Chris Burford --- from list ---
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