File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/marxism-thaxis.9708, message 69

Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 08:13:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: Gerald Levy <>
Subject: M-TH: Re: RAVE

For those in and around New York City, the rave planned for Tompkins Square
Park is happening today between 3 and 7 P.M.

The "Reunion" concert, on the anniversary of the 1988 Tompkins Square Park
riot, is the third concert in the "Summer Offensive" organized by
anarchists and squatters in the Lower East Side. The previous two concerts
on May Day and Memorial Day (another anniversary of a local riot) were
highly successful. 

Unlike the previous events, which were mostly punk rock concerts, today's
event is a rave. Some of the performers include Lenny Dee, The Creator,
ODI, and Colin Strange. Of course, there will be some political speeches
as well.

Raves, it should be noted well, have come under increasing attack from
reactionary forces who believe that it is "corrupting youth". You might
recall that there was a (awful!) segment on raves on "20-20" earlier this
year (hosted by Barbara Walters and Hugh Downs). Like hip-hop and punk
music, there is a concerted effort by the right to shut this music down.
Local pressure by conservative forces has mostly meant that raves have had
to be "underground" events: today's concert is therefore especially
significant because it is happening in a public place -- a NYC park. BTW,
it is a free event.

No doubt, the riot cops from the NYPD 9th precinct will be out in force
today -- since they are well aware of the significance of the 1988 riot
and the community movement against police brutality that followed that
police riot. Every year since 1988 there has been an anniversary concert
or demonstration. On some of those occasions there were massive police
arrests and ... further police brutality. If you come, therefore, make
sure you bring some identification.


PS: TSP is between 7th and 10th Streets and Avenues A and B. The simplest
way to get there for most will be to enter at St. Marks and Avenue A.

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