File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/marxism-thaxis.9709, message 182

Date: 	Tue, 23 Sep 1997 14:52:04 -0800
From: (Rakesh Bhandari)
Subject: Re: M-TH: Habermas and Marxism

>G'day Thaxists,
>I'm too tired to drive home just now, so I think I'll blather on about
>Habermas whether you're interested or not.  After all, any bloke who causes
>a generation of pomos as much discomfort as this bloke has can't be all bad.
>First things first (oh yes, I'm gonna have more to say about Habermas
>later) - and this is the bit I'd really like someone to take an interest in.
>How Marxist is Habermas?

This question  is in an advanced stage of discussion of course, considering
the work produced by Paul Thomas, Julius Sensat, Tom Rockmore, Istvan
Meszaros, John Rosenthal, Stephen Bronner, William Outhwaite and Moishe

Rob, I am glad that you have found an interlocuter. Will be reading with
interest. Especially interested in Habermas's theory of social evolution (a
possible ontogenetic fallacy?), his critique of rationalization (Goldhagen
seems to forget that the eliminationist mindset is intrinsic to modernity
as such, given its master concept of rationalization, its scientistic
methods of social research, and its bureacratic modes of action--but this
may be more Zygmut Bauman's and Detlev Peukert's critique of
rationalization than Habermas'), and of course his crisis theory.


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