File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/marxism-thaxis.9710, message 174

Date: Sun, 19 Oct 1997 11:15:29 +0200
From: Hugh Rodwell <>
Subject: M-TH: Godly, righteous and sober -- honest, guv!!

Yo Thaxalians!

Bill C writes:

>     Whatever is happening on M-I, M-G or any other such forum I do not
>want the conflicts of that forum fought out here. I appreciate that a
>number of comrades feel agrieved at happenings on M-I, and others wish to
>defend these very same happenings, but I trust that the comrades on this
>list are well intentioned and adult enough to focus on the purposes of
>this list and not be side tracked by the internal difficulties of other

I just want to point out that there's a real difficulty in the fact that
Marxist discourse in itself is a valid topic of discussion, and that
exemplification is necessary when discussing it. Also, as Chris B points
out elsewhere, Spoon is a cluster of lists, and I would add that the
cluster was deliberately created to split the discussion of Marxism into
separate compartments regardless of overlapping in terms of topics and

He continues:

>Such as it is consider this a general warning to desist from litigating
>the rights and wrongs of actions taken on other lists.

Well and good. But characterizing the arbitrary restriction of expression
and discussing its political consequences in a Marxist framework is
legitimate. It's not even socialist as such, but good old bourgeois

For my own part, I consider that I keep references to other subscribers
well circumscribed in a more general social-historical-political
perspective, as in the recent case of the comparison with Canute trying to
turn back the tide. (Marx, I need hardly add, did this all the time, and
with a lot less reticence. But of course, he's dead, and not here, and he
had his carbuncles to blame. Oh, yes, and I'm not him ...)

Anyhow, if RoboBill thinks I'm getting litigious to the exclusion of
general reflection relating to the purposes of the list, I'll read mark
learn and inwardly digest whether I have done those things I ought not to
have done, and left undone those things I ought to have done, and whether
there might just possibly be no health in me...

Let us not err and stray from the ways of Thaxis like lost sheep! Nor
follow too much the desires and devices of our own hearts!

For godly, righteous and sober Thaxalien discourse!



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