File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1997/marxism-thaxis.9712, message 682

From: "Rebecca Peoples" <>
Subject: Re: M-TH: RCP
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 10:25:59 -0000

Rebecca: Who is Helene Guldberg?

The RCP was disbanded over a fairly long period. The last time we stood
in an election was 1992. The last public campaign we were involved in
was th Campaign Against Militarism (which again was set up in 1992, but
carried on until around 1995). the RCP sold LM to Helene Guldberg at the
end of 1996.

Since the end of the Cold War, we were involved in discussions about the
appropriateness of a democratic centralist organisation in today's
conditions. The decision to wind down the party is not a ruse or
subterfuge, it is the practical outcome of those discussions. If you
follow the articles in LM, such as the one you posted on Pen-L, you can
see the debate we had, re-presented for public consumption.

I'm sure I have already argued on these lists that the Leninist style of
organisation just is not appropriate when there is no substantial
struggle for working class leadership.

I'm involved in LM, as you know, which seems to me the best way to
promote critical and progressive ideas today.
James Heartfield

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