File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1998/marxism-thaxis.9801, message 224

Date: Sun, 11 Jan 1998 22:28:08 -0500
From: Doug Henwood <>
Subject: Re: M-TH: Re: Euro-stomachaches

Dennis R Redmond wrote:

>But the specter of such is undergoing quite a renaissance, no? In
>the past two years, we've seen Jospin's surprise victory in France, the
>Olive Connection in Italy, a humongous truckers' strike in Paris, the
>biggest student strike in German history, and now 100,000-member marches
>against Maastricht monetarism by outraged citizens in Berlin. This doesn't
>sound like rigor mortis to me, but powerful sheet lightning before a
>global storm.

Or the fading glow of a dying ember... take your choice.

The Italian government is pushing austerity down Italian throats, and
Jospin has yet to deliver on that jobs package he promised (for which the
PCF seems to be forgiving him). You can get all the hundreds of thousand of
anti-Maastricht marchers into those quaint Eurostreets you like, but so far
it hasn't stopped the project.

Speaking of successful national economic models: Amusing item in the FT the
other day - Tony Blair is telling Asia that it has to reinvent itself, just
like his New Labour Party and New Britain are dispensing with Clause IV and
the heritage industry. He wasn't crass enough to use the term "rebranding"
like his underlings, though.


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