File spoon-archives/marxism-thaxis.archive/marxism-thaxis_1998/marxism-thaxis.9803, message 1016

Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 20:58:56 -0500
From: Yoshie Furuhashi <>
Subject: Re: M-TH: Fordism Still Reigns?


>As an antedote to this drivel might I suggest Amin, A.
>(Ed.). (1994). Post-Fordism: A Reader. Oxford: Blackwells.
>as a great place to start. My personal favorite is Jane Jenson, "All the
>Worlds a Stage: Ideas, Spaces and times in canadian political economy",
>Studies in political economy 36, fall 1991 or 'Different but not
>exceptional, canadas permeable fordism' Canadian Review of sociology and
>anthropology, 26/1 1989 or Representations in crisis;the roots of canadas
>permeable fordism, canadian journal of political science 23/4 1990. If
>you can find it Jenson's interview with Lipietz is worth reading. Sorry
>about all the references and the presumption that you havent already read
>them but I'm indulging myself today.

Thank you for useful references. I'll try to get hold of them tomorrow. As
a matter of fact, I haven't read any of the above works, so I look forward
to reading them.


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