File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1994/94-08-28.000, message 6

Date: 15 Aug 1994 16:36:18 GMT
Subject: RE. CULT

--Why have the non-Stalinist parties based on the Leninist model 
into sects and cults, especially those of the Trotskyist variety?

Dont worry I dont intend to attempt an answer at this - partly 
because Im not sure of the possibility of providing a reason able to 
account for the failure of so many group to establish 'vital' links 
with the class they claim to represent and partly because Im not 
that sure that its true any way. Part of the tactical armament  of 
Party organisation has always been in the ability to ridicule other 
groups or accuse them of sectarianism. This is nothing to be proud 
of and it comes as a result of one of two things a) the need  when 
in a tight polemic corner to find  a way out - often in front of 
comrades - whilst saving face and b) the necessity to send new 
members out onto the street flogging the paper when they are not 
really in a position to sustain a systematic defence of their 
organisations policies - DC can be a bastard for this, but nothing 
like the pest bureacratism is, and it is often the relatively larger 
organisations (SWP, RCP) who suffer most from this tendency. 



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