File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1994/94-11-30.000, message 195

Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 22:50:04 -0600 (CST)
From: Andrew Hagen <>
Subject: forward from the author of "liberate the male"

After inquiring with our friend the obnoxious misogyny advocate I 
received this in response. 

It appears that my initial assessment of the "liberate the male" crap as 
spam was wrong. It was instead targeted directly at this list. 

Andrew Hagen                    
|||fight the power|||||||||[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ Canter & Siegel green card 
|||||||||||||||||for love||||||||||||||||||||||||||||finger for PGP key

---------- begin forwarded message ----------------------------
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 1994 20:56:26 UTC
Subject: Liberate the E-Mail

It's a joke, baby, a joke. It was intended to be a parody of U.S. radical 
feminism circa 1970 (you know, the "Scum Manifesto," and all that--sure 
you remember that stuff, heh heh). A parody of leftist whining and 
nihilist ressentiment. I don't really advocate "rape is legitimate direct 
action"; you'd have to be very dour and/or paranoid to think so. But just 
think, the feminists who applauded Lorena Bobbitt are 'twisted sisters' 
no less. Feminists--bah! Camille Paglia's got the drop on 'em 
(notwithstanding that she is one herself!) 

As for your list, who cares about it?

Son of Nechayev

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-------------------end forwarded message--------------------



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