File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1994/94-11-30.000, message 58

Date: Mon, 31 Oct 1994 14:10:07 -0600 (CST)
From: (Diana Strassmann)
Subject: Feminist Economics, Call for Papers

Call for Papers:  Feminist Economics,  Journal of the International
Association for Feminist Economics, edited by Diana Strassmann, Rice
University, USA.

Feminist Economics is a new and innovative journal dedicated to developing
an interdisciplinary discourse on feminist perspectives on economics and
the economy.  The first issue of the journal, which will be published by
Routledge, will appear in Spring 1995.

The journal solicits high quality contributions from a broad spectrum of
intellectual traditions in economics.  The journal also welcomes
contributions which treat economic issues from cross-disciplinary
perspectives, including work in anthropology, cultural studies, critical
race theory, gender studies, geography, history, law, literature,
philosophy, politics, post-colonial studies, public health, psychology,
science, technology and society studies, and sociology.

Specifically, Feminist Economics  seeks submissions which:

*       advance inquiry into economic issues affecting the lives
of women, men, and children;

*       provide a feminist rethinking of theory and policy in diverse
subfields and related areas of economics, including those not directly
related to gender;

*       provide insights into the relationship between gender and power
relations in the economy and in the construction and legitimation of
economic knowledge;

*       extend and critique feminist theoretical, historical, and methodological
insights into economics and the economy;

*       provide feminist insights into the underlying constructs of the
economics discipline and into the historical, political, and cultural
context of economic knowledge.

The journal will also include short essays, comments and replies to
previously published articles, book reviews, and an information section.
The short essay section of the journal will include very short
contributions (1,000 to 1,500 words) and may include timely reactions to
public policy issues or thoughts on topical theoretical, methodological

Authors should submit five (5) typewritten double-spaced copies of their
manuscripts (in English) and an abstract of no more than 200 words.  (For
those based outside of North America, Western Europe, Australia, and New
Zealand, authors may submit three (3) rather than five copies of their
manuscripts.)  Manuscripts must be original and not under consideration for
publication elsewhere.  While the title of the paper should appear on the
first page of the manuscript, in the interests of double-blind reviewing,
the author's name and address should not be included in the text.  Author's
information should be given on a separate accompanying page together with
the title.  Articles should be written as clearly and as concisely as
possible, with the goal of broad accessibility to an audience of
economists, scholars in related fields, and feminists concerned with
economic issues.

All manuscripts should be sent to:  Diana Strassmann, Editor, Feminist
Economics - MS 9, Rice University, 6100 Main Street, Houston, Texas
77005-1892;  (713) 527-4660;


Diana Strassmann                           Center for Cultural Studies - MS 18                                   Rice University
(713) 527-4660 office                     6100 Main St.
(713) 285-5495 Fax                        Houston, TX 77005 -1892



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