File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-11.000, message 10

Date: Sun, 04 Feb 1996 11:24:08 +1000
Subject: I am not resigning


I aplogise for posting on this issue.  I have read thru and hear clearly 
those who want it all to end.  People I respect and love in the cyber way 
have urged resignation or resigned themselves.

Everything about me wants to follow their lead.  I do not need 
aggravation in my life.  The wars Jerry has unleashed against the mods has 
pushed me at least once to the edge.

But I was asked to be a moderator and I said yes for a trial period of 
three months. I will stand by that commitment.  On a self moderating 
list this simply means that there will be a group of people who will 
take upon themselves the explicit task of thinking about the list in a 
meta way.

I am deply committed to the list.  I think personally it could play a 
role in the coming struggles.  I do not know how, but I feel in my heart 
that it is something valuable and worth preserving.

Oscar Wilde once wrote "All men kill the thing they love."  I have never 
really understood this until now.  Jerry seems to me to be locked int 
this syndrome.  I have tried to reason with him , but he is beached 
somewhere on a world beyond my reach.

So I will continue liasing with Bryan, Chris, Tom and others about 
the list.  I will put as much energy as I have into helping people get 
the Cuba seminar off the ground.

Jerry now will snip and flame over this.  that is his perogative.  I will 
exercise mine by requesting him to cease writing to me off list as a 
moderator and by deleting all contributions with his header.  That is sad 
but I fear necessary.



     --- from list ---



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