File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-11.000, message 2

Date:         Sat, 03 Feb 96 19:50:49 EST
Subject:      Re: Marx the Chess player

On Sat, 3 Feb 1996 18:26:59 -0500 (EST) Justin Schwartz said:
>Are you sure that you have input the game correctly? On more careful
>inspection the notation makes no sense. Thus the first move is described
>as e4 e5, but on the opening board there is nothing on e4 (White's KIng
>4), and nothing can move to e5 as a first move. Etc. --JUstin
I don't have the game handy, but the answer may be as follows:

"e4" is White's first move, an abbreviation of e2-e4, logically so written
because nothing else can happen on e4 in the initial position. (That move
is otherwise known as P-K4, a very common first move.)

Likewise, "e5" would be Black's first move, meaning e7-e5 or P-K4 from the
other side.

Hope this works for the rest of the game. Go Karl!


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