File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-11.000, message 30

Date: Sun, 4 Feb 1996 00:16:28 -0800
From: (CEP )
Subject: Re: Border Controls

You(Kevin) wrote: 

>	From what I know 187 isn't about anti-immigration, but rather
>against unregistered or illegal immigration. How does 187 effect
>immigrants, besides perhaps suspecting innocents as being illegal. 

    Carlos replies:

    First: All undocumented workers are immigrants.
    Second: A great majority of documented workers are former           
    undocumented -- the term illegal is not only a wrong term
    to define the status, it is also racist
    Third: Most immigrants in the US consider ourselves a part
    of the same -- documented an undocumented
    Fourth: You said it: the color of the skin or the accent will
    decide when and who will dennounce you and get harrassed, thus
    violating everyone's rights.
    Fifth: Proposition 187 attacked all immigrants as explained
    above, and all workers providing services (since they are
    suppossed to dennounce undocumented children at schools and
    children and adults at other social services) and the rights
    of all of us -- independently of your status -- because violates
    elementary humanrights that all are suppossed to benefit from.
    Sixth: Proposition 187 opened the door to other proposals that
    includes modification or repeal of the 14th Amendment of the
    Constitution (denial of citizenship to children born in the US
    from undocumented parents); elimination of services -- including
    Social Security and Health sergices -- for documented workers,etc

>Cols, Oh
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