File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-11.000, message 33

Subject: M. Buber-Neumann
Date: Sun,  4 Feb 96 12:32:0 GMT

     I want to draw the attention of the list on a wonderful
book, published in Italian some months ago, of M. Buber-
Neumann: "Prisoner of Stalin, prisoner of Hitler" (my
translation of the Italian title). M. Buber Neumann, wife of
the Deutsch communist Neumann, was one of the some two
hundreds Deutsch communists that Stalin delivered to Hitler
during the infamous Stalin-Hitler pact. Fortunately she
survived the concentration camps, but hundreds of communists,
which had escaped Russia flying from Nazi Germany, with
illusions on the Stalin regime, died back in the nazist
concentration camps after they were delivered to their
butchers by the Soviet Stalinist bureaucracy.
     I'll post more on this issue and the fate of Italian
communists, which escaped from Fascist regime to Soviet
Russia, murdered in Stalin's prisons.

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