File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 14

Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 11:26:09 -0500
Subject: Fwd: Re: The Ongoing Young Li...

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Re: The Ongoing Young Liberal...
Date:    96-02-11 11:23:43 EST
From:    Godenas

Jerry, I stand by my previous posts.  And this has nothing to do with the use
of "pseudonyms", strictly as a matter of principle (and, Jerry, please don't
compare yourself and "Carlos" to those who use them in other countries to
avoid being murdered).  I have assumed, on the basis of the evidence,  that
"Carlos'" repeated attacks on the leading marxist revolutionary movement in
the world today, slandering hundreds of thousands of those who have given
their lives in Peru for this revolution, who have paid a price far beyond the
means of any of us U.S. "leftists" to ever comprehend, who have, in my view,
developed a consistent and genuine revolutionary ideology to throw off the
yoke of monopoly capitalism, not only in Peru, but virtually throughout the
world, all this and still they are slandered and villified without a SHRED of
evidence by this individual who makes a living by editing a "newspaper" that
no one has ever heard of!   "Carlos" accuses the Communist Party of Peru of
"murdering" "leftists", and while he offers not one scintilla of evidence to
support this, it is a matter of ascertainable historical fact that it is
these so called "leftists" in the PUM, APRA, IU, etc. who have willngly and
publicly COLLABORATED with the police and the armed forces (who have vowed to
"drown the revolution in blood") in fingering PCP supporters, and suspected
supporters, to be murdered in cold blood, in organizing vigilante and death
squads, and who enjoy unqualified and unquestioning support from people like
Louis Proyect and "Carlos", a support, that I might add, far exceeds in blind
faith and "fit of absence of mind" anything that most people might ascribe to
the foreign supporters of "Sendero"!  
I am glad that, you, Jerry, and Louis are concerned about the integrity of
the CPUSA and its "young" (Scott is older than I am) leaders.  I will leave
it to CP members and others to decide whether this "concern" is any more
genuine than that evinced in their previous postings.  For myself, I
abandoned, hopefully, all vestiges of toadyism after my four year stint in
the US Air Force.  I think for myself, and, from what I've seen of the
"marxists" on this list, I am sure I will continue to do so.  

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