File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 143

Date: Tue, 13 Feb 96 10:50:54 GMT
From: Adam Rose <>
Subject: Re: re-border controls

I'd like to agree with everything luftmensch says.

Britain with its Imperialist past and arms selling present plays a particularly
hypocritical role in all this.

The Asylum bill that the government is introducing seeks to withdraw benifits
from Asylum seekers during their appeal. This means they could have no material
means of living while they are trying to get asylum. Also, if asylum seekers
do not say they are seeking asylum as they enter Britain, they will automatically
be denied it if they ask for it later. So, if they ask for asylum, they are likely 
to be sent straight back to the country they are fleeing. On the other hand, if
they ensure their immediate safety by not asking for asylum, they lose their
chance of long term safety.

This applies to countries like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia + Nigeria, which have small
super rich elites who use all oil profits to buy arms and use the arms to 
repress the people who live their. British companies make profits from the oil
and by selling arms. Kickbacks and bribes go to corrupt dictators in the oil
producing country and to the politician / businessmen who arrange the deals.

Those who resist the corrupt dictators and try to bring about social reforms /
democracy, which threaten this set up, are then denied asylum. So Nigerians
are regularly deported and never heard of again, and Saudi dissedents shipped
off to Dominica ( of all places ! ) because they pose a threat to arms sales.

The thing that should give us hope is that all these regimes are potentially
powderkegs waiting to blow up. They all have powerful working classes capable
of posing a serious threat to their rulers.


Adam Rose


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