File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 144

Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 20:13:12 +0100
From: Luciano Dondero <>
Subject: Re: Scott MARSHALL

At 21.07 12/02/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Sometimes my private mail is more entertaining than the list. Here is some
>rare insight in to the political situation today.'s deep
>understanding of the balance of forces and his selfsacrificing dedication to
>struggle and enlightenment is ...well it's inspiring.

Well, I really don't think that it was such a good idea to repost your
private email, Scott. 

While I have deep political differences with you, I find that the posts of
this deranged element do not really contribute to making any discussion
about anything going one inch further. 

Did you reproduce them to solicit some sympathy and solidarity? For what it
is worth, on a human level, you (as well as Charlotte) certainly get mine. 

As you might have noticed on this list, I try to never get into arguments
which have no discernible purpose. 

I like the following, is Marx quoting Dante Alighieri thus: "Non ti curar di
lor, ma guarda e passa" ((Don't pay any attention to them, but look and go -
rough transl. mine)).

--Luciano Dondero--

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