File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 145

Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 14:55:51 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Response to Thomas P. Murray

To Shawgi Tell:
     Uh oh, time for the truth squad,
aka the "antidiscussion" group to respond to
factual inaccuracies on your part.
     The Warsaw Pact was founded under Stalin.  1955
was the year of the first Geneva summit at which the
Soviets agreed to FINALLY withdraw troops from Eastern
Austria, oh those poor Viennese!
     The Czechoslovak government became Communist in 1948
after Masaryk "accidentally" fell from a balcony, probably
pushed by a Hitlerite no doubt.
     The Hungarian government went Communist after winning
a mere 22% of the vote.  This did not stop Rakosi after 1949
from having 1 1/2% of the population in prison in March 1953,
but no doubt they all deserved to be there.
     Stalin invaded the Baltic states during his period of
collaboration with Adolf Hitler in 1940.
     Although this is less certain, most historians now believe
that Stalin personally ordered the invasion of South Korea by 
the North in 1950.  Even if one supports that invasion, the result
was a stalemate with about 4 million civilians dead and massive
destruction of both the North and South Korean economies.  Obviously
this all the fault of those nasty southerners and their imperialist
allies for resisting the invasion.  Gosh.
Barkley Rosser

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