File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 167

From: (Michael Luftmensch)
Subject: re-peru/human rights
Date: 13 Feb 1996 15:51:09 GMT

re-peru / human rights 



There are many reasons to be critical of Amnesty human rights reports, and
with the AI's very narrow view of human rights. AI clearly has biases in
regard to conscience and violence, and in gathering information; it has a
predilection for taking up cases involving the denial of due process to
individuals and shying away from recognizing the more overtly political
elements of the Universal Declaration.

At the same time, we can't dismiss Amnesty without abandoning those victims
of government repression on whose behalf AI can intervene. 


Whether or not we can agree on Amnesty International, there is a very real
issue at stake, namely, the applicability of human rights to a situation of
armed struggle. The perception of the Peruvian people as a population caught
in the crossfire between the authorities and the insurgents has been
denounced in this thread as the "US line." Do the PCP militants recognize any
form of neutrality? Or legitimate opposition?

In 1992, the Algerian government canceled the elections and imposed martial
law throughout the country. With the tacit support of the West, it has waged
a dirty war against the people. Tens of thousands of people have been killed.

Islamic militants have responded  by attacking both military and civilian
targets. Secularists and feminists have been prominent among their civilian
targets - journalists, teachers, and civil servants have been tarred with the
brush of collaboration and executed.  Thousands of people have been killed
because they refused to accept the authority of the FIS and other groups.

The Islamic opposition claims that its victims were "not innocent", and
refuses to distinguish between the military government and nongovernmental
opponents of the Islamicists. 

Are there universal standards that can be applied to both Algeria and Peru? 


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