File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 184

Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 22:46:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Orthodoxy

Louis N Proyect wrote:

> Louis: Maybe I am confused. I am speaking of Antonio Negri, born in 1933, 
> who co-authored that hippie manifesto "Communists like Us" with Guattari. 
> It is entirely possible that you folks are talking about another Negri. 

I'm not familiar with the manifesto. However, Negri was and is no hippie. 
Negri was a leader of the Italian _Autonomia_ movement which had 
considerable influence among young factory workers in the '70's. A 
biography and list of his writings is included in the 1984 English 
edition of _Marx Beyond Marx_ (Bergin and Garvey Publishers, Inc). The 
author's Preface to the English edition was written while he was a 
prisoner in Rebibbia Prison. Negri, along with many other well-known 
leftists, was arrested and imprisoned following the Red Brigade 
kidnapping and murder of former Prime Minister Moro and he was imprisoned 
for four years without a trial. Negri had, in fact, been a vocal opponent 
of terrorism, but that didn't matter in the hysteria created following the 
Moro killing. While he was on trial in the summer of 1983, he was elected 
to Parliament and freed by virtue of the immunity guaranteed by the 
Italian Constitution to members of Parliament! While the Parliament 
debated whether he should be sent back to jail, Negri fled to France. He 
eventually returned to Italy where he now resides.

Negri is many things, but a hippie he is not.


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