File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 185

Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 22:06:43 -0600 (CST)
From: Chegitz Guevara <>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Louis Godena on the PCP

On Tue, 13 Feb 1996 wrote:

> Louis, we are witnessing a great historical moment right here in the
> Americas.  It is incumbent upon all of us, as Marxists, as revolutionaries,
> to lend critical support to the "heroic" masses of Peru.  True, we may
> disagree on individual features of this or that policy, but I, for one,
> prefer the position of Marx to that Plekhanov.  The Peruvian communists are
> creating a viable alternative to the neo-liberal "new world order."  In so
> doing, they have, to use their own words, "set the oppressor's teeth to
> chattering."  For that reason alone, they deserve our support.
>                                                         Louis Godena 

Several comments. First off, one of the things that you, Quispe, and
Charlette have in common, is that when a leftist criticizes another
leftist, we are magically supporting capitalism. "You aren't saying
anything about the Fujimora dictatorship! etc" The fact that I think that
we report that the PCP is murdering fellow leftists, union leaders, etc,
does not mean that we support the dictatorship. The same goes for
criticizing Stalin or the CPUSA (which hasn't murdered anyone as far as I
know). Should we preface each of our critiques of fellow leftists by a
complete list of the charges against capitalism, or, can we assume that
our audience is sympathetic to our cause, and dispense with preaching to
the choir? 

What is not being debated here is the horror of the Peruvian government. 
That is a given. 25,000 Peruvian children die yearly. As many civilians
have been killed in the civil war, 80% by the government. What *IS* being
discussed is that the PCP has consistently sought to destroy any
alternatives to itself, from fellow comrades in arms to social democrats. 
Despite the fact the UI may try and work in the government, they have an
armed wing which is *fighting* the government. How does this continuously
slip past your notice? I supose Lenin should have been assassinated when
he advocated that revolutionaries should try and win seats in the Duma,
because they would be supporting the Czar??? And because the PCP is trying
to kill them off, instead of coordinating attacks against the
dictatorship, MRTA and the others have to defend against *2* enemies. And 
guess what, that means they have to take pressure off the government to 
defend themselves. Therefore, attacking MRTA and others *AIDS FUJIMORA!*

But, this won't make any diference to you, as you refuse to accept
anything other than the glorious peasant (i.e., petty-bourgeois) army's
propoganda. I've changed my views on the Shining Path. I don't see them 
as reactionary anymore. Can you open your eyes?

Marc, "the Chegitz," Luzietti
personal homepage:
political homepage:

o/~ When an eel lunges out and it bites off your snout, 'ats amore o/~

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