File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 191

Date: Tue, 13 Feb 1996 23:40:31 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Maoism

Robert Peter Burns wrote:

> Sorry, I haven't been following this thread closely,
> but wasn't it due to Stalin's Comintern's inept, nay,
> disastrous collaborationist policies in the 20s, that 
> the Chinese Communists suffered a horrendous slaughter 
> at the hands of the Kuomingtang in Shanghai in c.1927?

Yes. AND MAO WAS A STALINIST TO HIS DYING DAY! Indeed, long after most of 
the rest of the Left became aware of the HORRORS in the USSR under Stalin, 
Mao continued to identify with Stalin and China became the major 
publisher of Stalin's "works" (in quotes because the evidence suggests 
that most of Stalin's "writings" were ghostwritten by others).

The USSR according to Mao, it should be remembered, became "state 
capitalist" with the  rise to power of Khruschev. What historical 
nonsense! Indeed, it's hard for any student of history to take Maoists 
seriously given their apologetic history and the absurdity of the idea 
that the USSR became state cap with the Khruschev revelations at the 
20th Party Congress.

So any Maoism is _by definition_ supportive of Stalinism and all you 
Maoists in cyberspace have the blood of millions on your hands.


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