File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 22

Date: Sun, 11 Feb 1996 14:58:54 -0500 (EST)
Subject: "Level of Culture"

     Lowering the "level of culture" takes place when the
substantive issue or issues are not taken up. On the contrary,
instead of discussion of those issues that concern the
revolutionary movement and people, the discussion is deliberately
diverted towards a person, generally by using the method of
personal attacks, smear campaign, innuendo or gossip. Such is the
method of lowering the "level of culture" by the bourgeoisie and
the reactionary elements of the society. North American politics
and culture, especially television, is saturated with this method.
The attacks on socialism and communism and on the personalities of
V.I. Lenin and J.V. Stalin and  other communist leaders and parties
are, more often than not, of this calibre. Instead of debating and
discussing the issues at hand, the bourgeoisie and reaction is
afraid to let that develop. The level of culture in North America
has sunk so far that the bourgeoisie even treat each other in this
manner as a matter of course, in electoral politics and in personal
relations. This has greatly damaged the development of politics
amongst the masses.

Shawgi Tell
University at Buffalo
Graduate School of Education

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