File spoon-archives/marxism.archive/marxism_1996/96-02-marxism/96-02-18.000, message 231

Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 09:58:38 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Louis Godena

> Jerry, I know you've always had more of a taste for fighting other leftists
> than for combating imperialism,[...]

You "know" the above just like you "know" Jay Lovestone was a Trotskyist. 
You don't "know" me or what I have a taste for and I have no desire to 
know you or your tastes. Your posts have already given me too much of a 

> but, not to worry, I know Luis Q. and he is
> not about to harm "Carlos" (or whatever his name is). 

Good. From that I can assume that Luis's posts were simply filled with 
revolutionary bullshit (oops, I mean fervor).

> And the same would be
> true, even if you were in Lima banging your keyboard at some AID supported
> NGO (there are literally hundreds doing so even as we speak).  Talk is 
> cheap. 

Talk is cheap indeed. Your suggestion that I might work at some "AID 
supported NGO" is very cheap indeed. What isn't cheap is the lives of 
innocent civilians and leftists murdered by the Shining Path.


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